Local Churches

Churches in Braintree Deanery

Black Notley   St Peter & St Paul  'to the glory of God, to encourage Christian disciples, to share the love of Jesus Christ'
Bocking (village)

St. Mary

'welcome, fellowship and nurture...seeking to grow together in faith...reaching out to meet and serve the community'
Bocking (town)

St. Peter

 'inclusive and welcoming in the catholic tradition... honest discussion, good friendship and humour... living out our faith
day by day'
Bradwell & Pattiswick

Holy Trinity

Braintree (Centre)

St. Michael

'sharing the good news of Jesus Christ'
Braintree (Hay Lane)

St. Paul

'Come as you are to worship with us'
Coggeshall & Mark's Hall

St Peter-ad-vincula & St Nicolas Chapel

Cornish Hall End

St. John


All Saints & St. Barnabas, Cressing


St John the Baptist

Great Notley  

The Church in Great Notley (LEP)

 'Anglican, Baptist, Methodist and URC worshipping together, to show the love of Christ in word and action'
Panfield St. Mary and St. Christopher  'seeking to encourage each other and serve the local community'
Rayne All Saints, Rayne  'seeking to love and serve God'
Shalford  St. Andrew, Shalford  
Stisted   All Saints, Stisted  'a quiet church surrounded by the beauty of creation'
Wethersfield  St. Mary Magdalene,Wethersfield